Monday, 23 August 2010

Ideas For Music Video

For our music video we have been asked to use music which is uncopyright. Even before we were told this I had an idea of what song I was going to do for my music video and after a bit of looking around the internet for various other bands I have come to the conclusion I am going to use the original artist I was first off going to use.

I have chosen to use a song called 'Jack In The Box'. It is by the band that I am in called 'Kids With Fireworks'. Even though I am in the band, I have emailed the singer just to confirm that it is okay for me to use the song as he wrote it.
Here is the email evidence:

I have been thinking of ideas for this as a music video and have come up with quite a few. Some of the ideas are quite ambitious but I have thought of ways I can make them possible with the basic equipment I have on offer to me.

I have investigated other bands of a similar genre and most of them have been performing in their music videos so I decided that I would do the same, but it will also be concept based as well. The song is about a toy factory and it coming to life, so I am going to use toys coming to life. Although I have planned for there to be no story to the video, but the song will follow the lyrics.

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