Tuesday, 28 September 2010

Shooting Schedule

I have decided on when I want to do the shooting for my music video. I have taken into consideration when all the band members can do it, as well as when the location is available. I want to do the band shooting in one day, because that may be the only opportunity I have to film the performance part, I also have to take into consideration the continuity of the band, props and location set up.
I have chosen to do it over 2 weekends, the first weekend I will set up on the saturday and do some stop frame animation shots and filming of toys. On the sunday, I will set the band up and shoot them performing the song. As I will only have one opportunity I will use a lot of angles and shot positions.
The following weekend, on the Saturday I will continue the stop frame animation shots and filming which I haven't yet done for the toys. On the Sunday I will check through all of my footage and see if I have missed everything using my storyboard and if I have I will go out and shoot it.

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